Write about an unsolved mystery in the area where you live or another mystery you know about. It could involve a crime, someone's disappearance, or some strange phenomenon. Describe what the mystery is and how it might have been caused. Offer some possible solutions to the mystery. 


  1. There was a time when a neighbor was jealous of my family, or maybe she was just crazy. The woman went to my house and offered my mom a cleaner for the kitchen, but my mom knew of how crazy the woman was and could feel the bad vibes she had. The neighbor was insisting on coming into the house but my mom just did not want to, she felt something was off.
    My mom accepted the cleaner so the neighbor could leave. When the woman left, my mom went to the backyard and threw the content in a trash can saying that whatever bad thing the woman wished for us would be returned to her, and wow surprise, the same exact day the neighbor and her husband had a car accident. We still don’t know if it was karma or just a coincidence.

    Sorry I don't know about other unsolved mystery:(

  2. Here in Monterrey, there was a mystery surrounding a house called “La casa de los tubos”, which became a meet-up hotspot for the youth that was addicted to adrenaline and other drugs.
    It’s been said by different people that there’s been stories of men and women hearing inexplicable sounds and rather strange visions by that place.

    There’s a legend that says a father once built this home as a gift, for her partially paralyzed child, which was happy to travel around in there. There were no stairs in the building, just ramps.

    Because of the ramps, there was an accident; she fell through a window and fell to her death.
    For many years now trying to buy or sell the house have caused accidents of a major grade, making this event look like an urban legend, myth or mystery.

  3. Name: Claudia Elizabeth Jaquez Gutiérrez My history unsolved: Apodaca Paranormal Experience 2000
    I’ve heard about a murder of a little girl since 20 years ago. This little girl has been murdered in the Apodaca City and her body was stranded in a vacant lot. Then, three years ago before the murder it was build a kindergarten in the Moisés Sáenz street and the neighbors that lived near by the school, told us some stories about paranormal appearances linked by the murder of the little girl.
    The neighbors, students and teachers of the Kindergarten claimed to see a “little girl dressed by a white dress passing into the windows of the school”; maybe, it is a mysterious legend that has been telling generation by generations in the Apodaca City and is presumed that this case is probably reflected in the Neftlix Serie: “The Haunted” Latin-America.

    1. A mystery I know about is the one from the artist called Avril Lavigne. It is said that she passed away around 2002, and the girl we see today is an impersonator. This rumor started since Avril's grandfather's death. She was on tour so she couldn’t be there to see her grandpa, there are some videos of her crying at a concert because of this. Then it is known that a part of one of her albums is recorded by her impersonator, since she has a similar voice, also she helped her to avoid press and paparazzis so they had known each other for some time.

      After all these events Avril got depressed and it is said that she commited suicide, then her impersonator, whose name is Melissa, replaced her because her career was just starting and she had a lot of fame by then. Some videos show how much Avril changed in less than a year, in her style and physically. Also her concept changed a lot from punk to pop music really quickly. But this remains as rumors, even Avril has stated this rumor as a lie, however there’s a lot of fans that don't think this is just a rumor.

      Personally, I think this could be true since they look so alike and Avril’s image and even personality has changed so much and so abruptly. But I don’t think this could ever be solved because this would be very shocking and disturbing, I don’t think her family and team would let us know something if this is true.

  4. Area 51
    This has been one of the biggest mysteries in the world. It has been talked about so much on the internet. It is a US military base of which its existence was confirmed until 2013. Throughout the years, a lot of rumors have been attributed to this place: some say the government use it to house crashed UFOs and do lab test on aliens. Some other realistic testimonies say that Area 51 supports the development and testing of experimental weapons.
    The weird thing is that Google Maps hasn’t been able to take satellite images of this area, which makes it even more mysterious. The origin of the rumors is as much of a mystery as the place itself, but one thing is sure: it has been the product of such interesting theories as well as stories.

  5. In New Year's Eve of 2010 in Arkansas 5,000 birds died. Many people said the deaths were caused by fireworks but on the same day, a year after, the same thing happened again. It is important to know that only blackbirds were being affected by the situation. What had been causing the birds deaths and why were blackbirds the target of this tragedy? Could had been the fireworks? Or could there be a supernatural reason? It has not happened again, so it is assumed that the noise made those nights were responsible for this situation.

  6. The real cause of death of the popular writer, Edgar Allan Poe, are still a mystery to this days. A week before his death, we was heading to his home in New York, but mysteriously disappeared on his way there. The circumstances in which he was found were very strange: his clothes were completely filthy and he seemed to have lost his mind. After he was found, he was too delusional at the point that no one was able to understand what he was trying to communicate. The name “Reynolds” was repeatedly said by Poe, hours previous to his death, but no one was able to identify this person. He also mentioned something about “his wife”, but he wasn’t married at the time, since his late wife, Virginia, had passed away 2 years previous to this events, and he hadn’t married his then partner, Sarah, they were just engaged. After being in this delusional state, Poe passed away, and his last words were “Lord, help my poor soul.”
    All documents related to Poe’s death, including his death certificated have been lost, so, there’s no evidence about his real cause of death. Speculations related to this have been brought up by many theorists; some think he died of hypoglycemia (a fall in blood sugar levels), others believe that he had an overdose because he was trying to commit suicide due to his depression, and other even speculate that it could have been a murder. Numerous other causes of death have been proposed over the years, including several forms of rare brain disease or a brain tumor, diabetes, various types of enzyme deficiency, syphilis, apoplexy, delirium tremens, epilepsy and meningeal inflammation.
    I don’t believe we’ll ever be able to come up with Poe’s real cause of death: his death happened almost 2 centuries ago and I don’t any new information could come up. I do think that something darker happened to him, something that happened during that week he was missing. The circumstances of his death will forever be a mystery; we will never know the hell he lived during his disappearance.

  7. Sol Azeneth Torres Gallegos
    In 2006, Brian Shaffer, a 27 years-old medical student went drinking with William and Meredith, his friends, to multiple bars, starting and finishing in the bar Ugly Tuna Saloona located in Ohio. At 1:15 am, Brian is captured by the security cameras at the entrance of the bar, entering with his friends. Time passes and William and Brian are seen again by the cameras talking to two girls. At 1:57 am Brian and the others can be seen barely on the corner of the camera, goes back into the bar and this is the last time he was ever recorded. After this, one the girls gives him her number and she goes into the ladies room, leaving Brian outside waiting for her. When she returned, Brian was nowhere to be seen, and this is the last time anyone saw him. His friends though he was somewhere in the bar and waited outside, but he never came out; they also thought he had returned home but he wasn’t there either.
    When police investigated his house and bank account, everything was intact. Everyone who went in and out of the bar was accounted for, except him. And obviously, no body has been found. My theory is that he escaped because he was tired. Days before that happened, his mom died of cancer and he told his girlfriend to escape with him and soon after, he told her to forget about him and move on. I feel like William has more information because he refused to testify using a lie detector.

  8. Maliya and Victor went to vacation, but when they came back, they discovered their house was rebboed. The TV was missing, as well as other electronic devices. They called the police. Two weeks later, the author of the crime was discovered by the police.

    Chelsea Aguayo

  9. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  10. Arturo García Esquivel/
    The disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is called the major mystery in aviation. The flight took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on March 8th, 2014, and it was supposed to arrive to Beijing, China, that day six hours later. The flight started at 00:41 hrs. and everything was going fine. However, the last contact with the pilot was made at 01:21 hrs. Since then, only fragments of the airplane were discovered. It was known no more than that about the airplane and the passengers. It was reported that the airplane was lead to the Indic Ocean near Perth, Australia. But, even when detectives and investigators have been looking for it in that area, it has not been discovered where it is.
    There are some theories formed to describe the final location of the airplane and why the pilot decided to change the direction of it. First, The Malaysian Transport Minister was investigating and announced the start of an investigation into terrorism, a theory born from the two passengers who boarded with stolen passports. At the end, this theory was discarded. Also, it was said that the airplane was kidnapped. But, again, this theory was discarded. Finally, there is the suicide hypothesis. This hypothesis is derived from the hijacking hypothesis, with the difference that the hijacking would not have been done by someone outside the plane's crew, but by one or more members of the crew. The idea that one or both pilots hijacked the plane to commit suicide at sea is another hypothesis that would help explain the plane's mysterious disappearance and its erratic course. At the end, these three theories do not have enough evidence to be proved.

  11. Dyatlov Pass Incident.
    In the 1959, in Russia, a large expedition through the Urals Mount was prepared by a group of nine hikers. Their destination was to climb until the Otorten Mountain. None of the hikers were inexperienced climbing, but also, they were not experts. Among the group were eight man and two women from the University of Urals. The leader of the group was Igor Dyatlov. The route that they had chosen was complicated to walk, but it was not impediment for them.
    When the group was starting the route, one of the members, Yuri Yudin, decided to leave the expedition because she was sick and needed her medicaments. Then the group of ten members has become in a group of nine members. During the expedition, the hikers left diary notes and photos of themselves and their experience. By the end of the expedition, the events had turned in something confusing for the researchers.
    In the February 1st, the group of hikers got lost and ended in the Kholat Syakhl Mountain, also known like The Death Mountain. The weather was extremely cold and the wind strong enough, because of this, the group decided to stop the expedition until the weather get better the next day. But they didn’t know it was their last day.
    Dyatlov, the leader, had accorded to send a telegram to the sport club where they came, but he didn’t. After many days, the families of the hikers decided to start a search. The mission was composed by the families, rescue corps, the police, and natives from the place. The 26th of February they found the camp that the group left days before. The camp hadn’t had signs pf some attack or something, just the tent has a little dent. Eventually, the rescue corps found the bodies from the hikers near the camp and some others far from there. The hiker’s bodies were in strange circumstances, like, damaged clothes, burned or meters under the snow.
    The experts can’t say what happened exactly. Some propose the bears attack, others think it was result of the UFO’S visit, and others suspect of experiments from the soviet army, but none of these theories explain totally why the camp was almost intact and why some bodies were in strange circumstances.

  12. The forced disappearance of my friend Roy Rivera

    It was January 11th, 2011, the so called "drug war" was in full swing, when some armed and hooded individuals - some of them were wearing vests of the Ecobedo Municipal Police - arrived at his home with the argument of conducting a search for drugs. Both Roy's mother and his younger brother were threatened and physically attacked. His brother was beaten. The men broke several objects and stole money and goods - including some vehicles - owned by the family, and just like that, Roy was taken away.
    For days, the kidnappers were communicating with the family to extort them, the family complied with each of the conditions to get my friend back, when they finally told them they were going to hand him over, saying they would leave him at a certain kilometer on the highway to Saltillo. The family went to look for him, but Roy never arrived. The kidnappers never contacted the family again. Having given up hope that Roy would be returned voluntarily by his kidnappers, Roy's mother, Leticia Hidalgo, along with many other mothers of missing persons founded the association Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos en Nuevo Leon (FUNDENL) to search for them.
    It has been 10 years since his disappearance and there is still no news of his location or what may have happened to him. His mother has not stopped looking for him. On January 15, 2018, she filed the complaint before the UN Human Rights Committee, and on April 21 of this year (just a week ago) the UN issued a resolution where it points out that the investigation for Roy's possible abduction was not conducted with due diligence and the mother's assertions have not been properly refuted.
    The case of Roy's disappearance is the first in the state with a resolution from the UN Human Rights Committee. According to the UN, based on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Mexican State has the obligation to carry out an effective and exhaustive investigation into the circumstances of Roy's disappearance.

  13. The ghost ship "Mary Celeste"

    The double-masted merchant ship "Mary Celeste" set sail from New York on November 7, 1872, bound for Genoa, Italy. The 10 passengers were not on board when she was found floating in the middle of the Strait of Gibraltar four weeks later. There were no signs of fighting and all the ship's load was still on board. The only lifeboat was missing.Speculation from the past 140 years as to why the ship was abandoned includes theories involving pirates, a crew mutiny, and even sea monsters.

  14. The murder of the 16-year-old Rubí Frayre happened in 2008 in Ciudad Juarez. Marisela Escobedo and her husband claimed that their daughter was murdered by Sergio Rafael Barraza Bocanegra. They managed to locate Barraza in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, where he was arrested and taken to Juarez where he confessed to the crime in court and told of the burial of the remains of Rubí. Barraza was however acquitted by judges for lack of evidence and was released, thereby generating a scandal that became known nationally and internationally.
    In response, Marisela Escobedo began a series of protests against the resolution against Chihuahua state authorities, asking for Barraza to be arrested and tried again, appealing the decision. A circuit court overturned the acquittal and Barraza was sentenced for murder, while Barraza remained a fugitive from justice. After numerous representations to the governors Jose Reyes Baeza Terrazas and Cesar Duarte Jáquez, they moved their protest to the Plaza Hidalgo in the city of Chihuahua in front of the Government Palace, the home of the governor, where on December 16th, 2010. Marisela Escobedo was killed by an unknown assassin by a single shot to the head.

    Andrea Mendoza

  15. I’m sure that everyone knows what a serial killer is, especially nowadays. Their stories are kept alive by thousands of people who find them interesting and even entertaining enough to inspire TV shows and movies. And sure, there are a lot of serial killers, but there’s one that tops them all. His name was Jack the Ripper, and it was chosen by him (or so the story says) in a series of letters that were written to the media outlets of the time.

    The murders that were ascribed to the Ripper consisted of female prostitutes who were brutally killed on Whitechapel. Their throats were cut and their abdomens mutilated. Some say that there were eleven victims, but the truth is only five of them are strongly believed to be Jack’s victims. The horror was spread thanks to the newspapers and a legend was born. Jack the Ripper became the most famous serial killer of all time, especially because he was never caught.

  16. In the restaurant where I work we have seen shadows pass when we had a night shift, 4 of us worked and we saw shadows passing through the bathroom area, we always said "we are all in here right" "yes, we are all". If we were "afraid" that that would happen.

  17. In the city where I live, the rumor was very strong that a school was a cemetery, as is said of many other schools in the country but in this specific one, strange things were experienced even when the students were in classes, they missed the backpacks, the doors were closed by themselves, it is even said that ghosts could be seen, but nobody knows if it is real or it was just gossip. What is true is that many people can claim to have experienced paranormal things in that school.

  18. My name is Natalia Hernández.
    When I was a kid I remember that my sister told me that the lady that lived next to us used to steal people’s plants, but not just regular plants, just some certain rare plants and that everyone in the neighborhood knew her as the witch of the 819. Like in Chavo del 8. They called her like that because she was very social and she always knew when someone lost one of their “matas” and was very interested in everyone's garden, she knew every plant's name and their medical benefits, maybe she was just passionate about them, but she was also a little bit creepy, wandering through everyone's front yard.

    I asked my mom yesterday if it was real and she told me that my grandma (who we lived with at that time) used to buy new “coronas de Cristo” every few months, because they all went missing. Obviously no one had the courage to confront her, maybe people were afraid of her, but everyone knew she was involved or just creepy. No one knew what she did with them and since she lived alone and was a widow, there was no one we could ask.

  19. This didn't happen in Mexico but it is a case that shocked me a lot since I saw it on television, it is the case of JonBenet Ramsey, a 6 years old girl who was first reported as kidnapped, she was taken from her home after a big party that her parents had, the family had many contacts because they were rich. They discovered a note that the kidnappers had left but the police realized that the handwriting in the letter was of Jon Benet's father, then the girl's body appeared without life a few days later and the investigation pointed out that her family had something into JonBenet murder, many people believe that the brother was the one who killed her by accident and the parents tried to cover it up but the truth has never been known.

    -Salma Daniela Martínez

  20. In the restaurant where I work we have seen shadows pass when we had a night shift, 4 of us worked and we saw shadows passing through the bathroom area, we always said "we are all in here right" "yes, we are all". If we were "scared" that that would happen.
    The first time he passed with the cook, he said that he saw a small shadow when he was in the vegetable room, then he went to ask us if they were occupying it because they went with him but we said no.
    The second happened to me, I was in the box and out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow go by for the bathrooms but I asked Lames if there was a table and he told me that there was no one. The third happened when the same cook had a knock on the bathroom door but we were all in our area and he said they tried to open the door.

  21. A little girl was taked from her family, no one knew where she was. That is what the family wanted to make believe to the people. Paulettle was just a girl of 4 years old. In this case, the mother and friends are needed of attention, they wanted to be the media attention focus. The mother was very quiet and paceful during the investigations, in a way that can't be explained. During all the investigation had not appeared any clue to find out where Paulette was, she was taken from her house.

    The family and service were interviewed by the police, but no one gave a good answer about where Paulette was, they was segured that she wasn't in the house. After nine days of exhaustive searching Paulette were found by the authorities. Paulette have been found at the edge of his own bed. How? Who?The police in charge searched for all over the house.

    The people say that Paulette was murdered by her mom, she wanted to collect Paulette's insurance. She was getting a lot of money for paying the bills. I guess we'll never know the truth of this case, this never could being explained. But we believe that Paulette didn't deserve that.

    Alexa Victoria Olivo Martínez- i61

  22. The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and airplanes have disappeared. Unexplained circumstances surround some of these accidents, including one in which the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disoriented while flying over the area; the planes were never found. Other boats and planes have seemingly vanished from the area in good weather without even radioing distress messages. But although myriad fanciful theories have been proposed regarding the Bermuda Triangle, none of them prove that mysterious disappearances occur more frequently there than in other well-traveled sections of the ocean. In fact, people navigate the area every day without incident.

    Many people say that deep in the sea in that area, is the city of Atlantis, as others speculate that there is the paradise of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived at the beginning of the creation of the earth.

    I think it can be a difficult area to navigate by boat and that everything disappears due to the strong waves that hit the place.

    -Cynthia Peña-

  23. The Santoy case

    On March 2, 2006, one of the most shocking crimes in the history of Nuevo León was recorded: the murder of the Peña Coss children. That afternoon the bodies of Erik (7 years old) and María Fernanda (3 years old) were found inside the family's home, located in the Cumbres neighborhood.

    Erika, the children's sister, was also injured. She received blows with a hammer and a wound to the neck caused by a knife.

    The accused was Diego Santoy Riveroll, Erika's ex-boyfriend, who also kidnapped the family's domestic worker.

    Santoy escaped from the city and was arrested days later. The trial acquired great media importance at the national and international level, a process that was clouded with a series of highly controversial statements and theories.

    Diego was sentenced for the double homicide and will spend 40 years in prison; He is currently married (he married a member of his fan club), while Erika, whom many point to as responsible for the fact, married and moved out of the city.

    Santoy was a student of the UANL so it is believed it was all planned in conjunction with his girlfriend.

    Melissa Ramirez Alanis T66

  24. The Bridge of Suicidal Dogs

    Sitting in the corner of a coffee shop with her two children, Mackinnon sipped hot chocolate as she recounted the day three years ago when she went for a walk with Bonnie, her border collie dog, across the Overtoun Bridge in Dumbarton, Scotland.
    "Something got hold of Bonnie as we got closer to the bridge," Mackinnon said. "First she was perplexed, but then a strange energy possessed her, she ran and jumped off the parapet."
    A haunted dog convinced to jump off a bridge by a malevolent force?
    As the Scots insist, Mackinnon's dog is one of hundreds who, since the 1950s, have suddenly set out to leap from the Gothic stone structure. Many have ended up dead, lying on the craggy rocks at the deep valley floor below.
    Residents of Dumbarton, northwest of Glasgow, began to refer to Overtoun, a century-old bridge that spans a 50-foot ravine, as the Suicide Dog Bridge.
    Local researchers estimate that more than three hundred have jumped off the bridge; tabloid reporters say it's about six hundred. At least fifty dogs are said to have died.
    Some say that the rational explanations are related to the terrain and the scents of mammals in the ravine that perhaps drive the dogs crazy.
    Other explanations take on a more paranormal tone.
    The place where the bridge is located, silent, exuberant and sometimes immobile, fits the description of what the pagan Celts called a “narrow place”, a hypnotic place where heaven and earth meet.

    Gabriela Guadalupe Toscano Gutiérrez T66

  25. Amityville Murders
    In1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr murdered his entire family and was inspired of one of the greatest horror stories of all time, that is Amityville murders.

    In the early morning of November 13 of 1974, six members of DeFeo family were slain in their beds with .35 caliber rifle. The oldest son of the family, Ronald "Butch" DeFeo Jr., confessed to murdering his entire family in cold blood. Dead were his parents, his sister of 13 years old and his 2 little brothers. However, the gruesome Amityville murders are regarded as a c catalyst for the spirits haunting 112 Ocean Avenue. So, some argue that the DeFeo family were also victims of the house.

    Actually, did an evil presence already reside at the house before the Amityville murders and force a young man to kill his entire family? All this case, was supposed to DeFeo was crazy or he consumed some drugs or alcohol to cope, police had never believed him until he was in jail for many years.

    Although, the stories of the Amityville house being haunted are subject to debate, there is very little doubt that Ronald DeFeo Jr. was present for the mas murder of his family in the home.
    Amityville is still one of the horror cases more remembered from all this time and sometimes people is wondering if the house still has sobrenatural presence of spirits.

    Ashly Elizabeth Saldívar García. T66

  26. Fire at the ABC daycare center

    On June 5, 2009, a tragedy took place in the state of Sonora, Hermosillo.
    In an abandoned warehouse was where it all began and thanks to holes and sections that could not be joined to the wall, the high-temperature smoke circulated to the daycare center and as a result, 49 children died on-site, in addition to the countless injuries left behind.

    Testimonies were gathered from neighbors of the place, stating that when the fire started, getting the children out was already an impossible task, practically a certain death.
    The parents of the deceased children were outraged because according to the reports issued by Civil Protection, the daycare center had been inspected on July 8, 2005, and it was found that the building did not have the necessary equipment for the safety of the children.

    The tragedy has not been forgotten and the parents of all those children have neither forgiven nor rested. Twelve years later, all the deaths caused by the incident remain unpunished.

    Vázquez Avila Nayelli

  27. It was a day like any other, I woke up in the morning, but I miss it, there are times when I wake up with the feeling that they are touching my hair, I have to admit sometimes it gives me a lot of nerves when it happens. I woke up, but I noticed that my cats were not leaving my room, normally my cats leave the room and go outside to play or feed. But this time they didn't come out, but I didn't think much of it. Eventually I was cleaning my room and when I finished, I started to get hungry. So, I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

    But when I went downstairs, I noticed that the house was very cold, although it was getting cold outside, but it seemed that we were below zero. After I finished eating, I headed to my mother's room because I get better internet, so I was in my mother's room using my cell phone, but I could hear them moving things around in the kitchen. Explaining that the kitchen is on the first floor. I thought it was my cats getting into mischief. At that I heard something fall and I said ́ ́there, no ́ ́ ́ knowing it was them, so I went downstairs to clean up the mess they had made, but when I came downstairs there was no mess and no sign of my cats.

    Which was very weird to me and giving me a bad feeling. Which I went to look for my cats around the house and noticed that all six of them were under my bed, they looked scared. At that I started to panic thinking that I was not alone in my house. And for some reason I went down to the front door to open it to let some heat into the house. And when I opened the door to let some heat into my house, I noticed that my cats came down so I thought that now there is no one else in the house.

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    On April 5, 1933, a murder was committed in a house located on Arramberri Street in downtown Monterrey. Mother and Daughter were brutally murdered one day in the morning and were found by the husband and father of the house until the evening.

    The father of the family was interviewed by the police and said he did not know what had happened or who was responsible for it. He no longer lived there after this tragedy and the house was left alone.

    The evidence that was analyzed showed who may have committed the murder. Antonia and Florinda were killed by a relative named Gabriel Villareal, who worked in a butcher shop and with the tools of his trade he ended up killing them by cutting them into pieces.

    The people who lived on that street said that when they passed by the house at night they could hear the screams of two women in pain.
    It is better not to go there, especially at night!

    Pamela Arizbeth Andaverde Guevara

  30. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  31. The tunnel of the Obispado

    It is said that in the XVIII century, a secret tunnel was built by a group of workers, the tunnel went from the Obispado to the Catedral of Monterrey, it was built in order to have an escape and access to both buildings.

    The access to the tunnel was for visitors to the Obispado. Nuns and friars, knights and bandits used to pass through this tunnel.

    This is one of the arguments most used by the popular imagination, the subway passages. Well, everything is a mystery of the people that goes from generation to generation making the famous tunnel connect with other destinations over the years.

    Lizbeth Monsivais Aldape

  32. The Zodiac Killer
    In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a serial killer known as “The Zodiac Killer” terrorized Northern California. There were at least 5 victims but later on, the murderer would claim he killed at least 37 people in total.
    On December 20, 1968, on Lake Herman Road in Vallejo, 17 years old David Faraday and 16 years old Betty Lou Jensen were shot and killed while sitting in a parked car in a gravel parking area. This was the first murder that the Zodiac Killer conducted and got away with.
    The Zodiac’s next crime would happen on July 4, 1969, in Blue Rock Springs, only a few minutes away from the previous crime. The Zodiac Killer approached a parked car with a flashlight and then murdered 22 years old Darlene Ferrin and 19 years old Michael Mageau. Both were still alive when found but only Mageau would survive. He was able to describe the shooter as a young, white male, 26-30 years old, who was driving a brown car. Within an hour, the police received a phone call from someone who claimed to be the shooter of both, this crime, and the past crime in Lake Herman Road.
    On July 31, 1969, the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, and the Vallejo Herald all received a handwritten letter by someone who claimed to be the shooter. The letters revealed specific details about the killings to prove that the writer was indeed the murderer. All the letters were signed with a circle with a cross through it, the symbol that would eventually be known as the mark of the Zodiac Killer. Also included in the letter were 3 different codes that the Zodiac Killer demanded be printed in newspapers or else he would kill again. The Zodiac Killer said that the cracked codes would reveal his identity.
    On August 7, 1969, another letter was received that started with the phrase saying, “this is the Zodiac speaking”, marking the first time the killer referred to himself as the Zodiac.
    After claiming 3 more lives and causing nationwide terror, the Zodiac Killer wrote his final letter on January 29, 1974.
    Recently, more codes were found, waiting to be cracked, but up to now the identity of the killer has never been found. There have been many suspects, but it has not been possible to deduce if any of them is really the murderer. The only thing that we are sure about is that he liked the feeling of knowing that people feared him and that he liked getting attention.

    Paula Sofía Reyna Espinosa t66

  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  34. November 9, 1965 at 5:28 pm.

    A major electrical blackout left 8 states on the east coast of the United States and 2 more states in Canada without power, 128 thousand square kilometers ranging from Machassutes to New York, in the latter city the blackout was more noticeable because at that time it was one of the most technological cities of the time. Almost nothing could be seen, only the lights of cars, people were trapped in elevators, some trains remained in dark tunnels.

    The blackout lasted exactly 12 hours, not one more, not one less. The official reasons given were that it happened because of a collapse of an interconnected network that linked the northeast coast of the United States with Canada, causing the blackout due to an overload in the system. This seemed to be an excuse from the authorities, since some time later an unofficial source said that there were no such anomalies.

    Many people noticed that something strange was happening in the sky, there were many lights that were not coming from any building, it was as if something was floating over the city. Many of those people took pictures of those lights, which today can be found on the internet.

    They quickly began to suspect that the blackout was caused by those lights and that the government had done everything possible to cover it all up.

    The writer Samuel Aun Weor said in his book "Looking into the Mystery" that the blackout was caused by two objects that overflew the island and that when they were attacked by the military they showed their power, leaving a quarter of the United States without electricity. This is reinforced when a pilot and a passenger saw two glowing objects being pursued by two fighter planes, one of these objects shot away from the fighters and the other continued on.

    Just a few weeks later in Mexico there were also blackouts in Juarez, El Paso and Cuernavaca. At about the same time all over Europe there were blackouts of the same type, but we don't know if somehow unidentified flying objects had something to do with it.

    Jennifer Adriana Romo Meraz.

  35. Missing flight 370

    On March 8, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared without a trace while flying over the Gulf of Thailand. And with it, 239 people: 229 passengers and 12 crew members. It was the Boeing 777-200 of Malasya Airlines.
    Although plane crashes are rare, when they happen their wreckage has always ended up being located, either because it falls in visible places or by other means such as radar, satellites, wreckage in the sea, etc. But no trace of Flight 370 has been found.

    Conflicting reports have claimed that the plane had disappeared from radars in Vietnam, or in Malaysia. Unofficial data seemed to confirm that it had changed course premeditatedly.

    After three years of searching and combing more than 60,000 square kilometers in the largest search operation in history, only some debris brought by the currents had been found on the beaches of Mozambique.

    There was speculation about an explosion at high altitude, or a vertical fall at high speed that plunged the plane to the bottom of the ocean without destroying it. But the enigma remains unsolved.

    Paola López Mireles

  36. Mi neighbor's oldest daughter

    I have a neighbor that used to have four girls on the same average age (now she has six but two of them are too young). Well, the four of them used to be my friends; the oldest is twenty-two years old now. I used to play with them, we have almost the same age so I remember that we used to play a lot. I remember that they had an altar of a girl on their bedroom, I always wondered who was that girl but never asked. (I didn't know what an altar was)
    One day, I was playing alone with their Barbies (they had a lot because they were all girls) so, I was playing by my own because the others were playing with other toys. After a while, their mom came to me and said "were's Jennifer?" and I said "I think she's downstairs" and she went "no, I just saw you two playing here. I only took these clothes and when I turned around again, you were alone. Where is she?".
    I get really confused, I only answered "I swear, nobody was playing with me". She stared at me and then she went down stairs. I wasn't scared or anything because I didn't understand about those kind of things.
    Another day, close to that, my mom told me that our next-door neighbor told her that one day, while she was watering the plants, she saw six girls playing outside of Jennifer's house. But when she turned again, there was only five. So she asked Jennifer's mom about the other girl, but she said that there were only five, her four girls and me.
    They has seen the sixth girl around several times, playing with the others or staring at the window. People have confirmed that that girl is the oldest sister that died when she was three years old. That is why they had an altar.

    Lizbeth Tovar Martínez

  37. The Cumbres killer.
    Fifteen years ago, on March 2nd 2006, there was an event that shocked the whole country. Diego Santoy Riveroll became a murder, he was 21 years-old at the moment when he killed his ex-girlfriend’s siblings. It is said that since Erika Peña Coss, also known as her girlfriend, broke up with him, he became mad and didn’t accept the breakup well, so Diego broke in Erika’s house wearing a ski mask and gloves and then he went to Erika’s bedroom. Diego tried to convince her to become his girlfriend again, but since she refused, Diego tried to cut her throat and then he went to Erika siblings’ bedroom and Diego killed both of them. Then, Diego kidnapped the housekeeper and he left her in Monterrey’s downtown. Later, Diego run away from Nuevo Leon and was helped by his brother, however they both got arrested in Oaxaca and Diego got a sentence of 71 years, 7 months and 27 days.
    However, there are some other versions and one of them is Diego’s version, where he states that Erika had also participated in the murder of her siblings. Diego denied his participation in the murder of Erika’s siblings, instead, he says that she was the one who kill them since she was tired of the responsibility of taking care of her siblings. According to Diego, he went to Erika’s house at midnight to do some stuff, and since she was at the kitchen, she woke up her little brother which annoyed her. Then Erika asked Diego to kill him with a knife, but he refused. Later, Erika’s sister was killed by both of them. Nevertheless, the judge didn’t accept Diego’s version.
    There are some theories that mention that Erika and her mom made a plan to kill the little siblings since they would obtain money from an escrow. Other people say that Diego and her ex-girlfriend’s mom had an affair, which made Erika mad. But who was the real murder of the siblings Peña Coss? Is it true everything that Diego said? Are the theories real? We don’t know. But, undoubtedly the siblings’ Peña Coss murder was shocking for everyone.

    Romero Moreno Gloria Abigail.

  38. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  39. At home, everyone is always losing things, like keys, glasses and even the tv remote, this is a common thing, a lot of strange things happen daily. We always joked about that there was a ghost with us and it was hiding our things.
    This stoped being funny when my brother saw something. One day, when he was little, he was playing in the family computer and he kept hearing things moving, but he didn't pay attention to it, because he was focused in the game he was playing, but he got scared because something had fallen off a shelf that was behind him, as he turned around, he saw a little girl with a ponytail running to our room, that freaked him out so much.
    Recently, my sister had this dream where our house had no power because there was a rainstorm, then she heard something in the living room, so she walked towards that noise, she opened the door and there was the same little girl my brother had seen before, waiting for her, she started running towards my sister, so my sister turned on her phone's flash and the little girl disappeared. We have no idea who that little girl could be or what does she want.
    Also, it does no matter if it day or night time, I'm always watching shadows in the corner of my eye. There's was this afternoon, I was heading to a room in my house and abruptly stopped walking because I saw a small guy with a cap walking in front of me. I almost tripped over him, but then I realized there was no one there.

    Andrea Natalia García Reyes T66

  40. In 2018 some religious missionaries told a story about their stay in the town located in Metepec, Puebla.
    Most of the people in the town had been visited by these missionaries at least one time, but they frequented some people more. There was an old man who was visited more frequently by the young missionaries.
    One night they were helping a family and it was late, when they returned home they had to pass through a dark place, but at the end of that dark place was the house of the old man that they always visited.
    When they were going back home, they passed through this dark place, and when they were passing by the man's house, they saw him outside his house smiling as always, the missionaries were greeted by their friend the old man, this time they could not stay longer to talk because it was late at night, they just greeted him back and went on their way.
    The next day the missionaries were talking with a very well known woman, who mentioned to them that the old man had died two days ago and had been buried the day before, the same day that they greeted him at night.
    They don't know what exactly happened that day, if he had already died then why was he seen by them?

    Edna Beatriz Martínez Montalvo T66

  41. The murders were the subject of intense investigation and media coverage, particularly because of the killer’s taunting letters to newspapers and phone calls to police. The Zodiac Killer letters, sent from 1969 to 1974, were signed with a symbol resembling the crosshairs of a gunsight and typically began with the phrase, “this is the Zodiac speaking.” Included among the letters were four ciphers or cryptograms, the first of which was sent in three parts to three Bay Area newspapers in July 1969. Known as the “408 cipher” for the number of characters it contained, it was soon decoded by a pair of private citizens. Its message stated in part that, “I like killing people because it is so much fun.” Another cipher, the “340 cipher,” mailed to the San Francisco Chronicle in November 1969, was finally decoded in 2020 by a team of three amateur code breakers; its message began, “I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me.”

    Paloma Bethzabé Camacho Perales T66

  42. So, this is my grandmother’s story, she used to live in a small neighborhood and she told me that it used to be a church nearby, one day, my grandmother woke up and for some reason she thought that it was 8 pm because she heard the sound of the church’s bell, so, quickly, she got ready and got out of her house with her cousin to attend to the church, they were talking about the priest that they knew and some gossips about the people who lived there, when they were closed to the church, my grandmother noticed that something was off, something was weird, there, was a procession but people had only candles and white dresses, my grandmother took her cousin because she felt the necessity of went off of there, she said that the most creepy thing was that no one of that people had a face and all of them went inside of the church, then, the principal door of the church closed suddenly and was totally silence, my grandmother with her cousin ran with all the adrenaline and the urgency to go to her house the faster they could, when the two of them arrived to my grandmother’s house, checked the hour and it was 4 am, everyone in the neighborhood said that they saw or lived something similar. My grandmother prefers to think that it was just a nightmare but who knows.
    -Mariana Rodriguez Perales

  43. I have told this story many times, though, even if there are some possible explanations on the internet, I'm still not so sure. It happened when I was around 10 years old, sometimes when I went to bed I had these "dreams", on which I was exactly in my room and it was nighttime, in that dream I always stood up from my bed and walked outside my room, there was noise in the shower as if someone was making use of it even though everything else was dark, but instead of going to check I always avoided it and went downstairs, everytime after a certain steps going down the stairs my body would become loose and fall into the dark, at that moment I would always wake up. But the strange part wasn't there, I had this dream around 7 times, it wasn't exactly in succession, but everytime that happened, it was the same exact thing, except for the last one.
    In the last "recurring dream" I would stand up from my bed and, this time, instead of going downstairs, I would head to the noise in the shower, it was the only light on in the entire house, there was only the sound of water falling to the floor, I was even scared in my dream because I didn't know what was behind the door to the shower, so then, when I approached it and opened it, I woke up, just like that, it was so sudden that I was really confused and got me thinking for the whole day what could have been there. And yet, after having that change in the row of dreams being the same thing, I didn't have that dream again, it was the last time, and sometimes I wonder "Maybe if I think hard enough I might be able to dream of that again" but up until now it hadn't happened.

  44. This story has been told by all the students and mothers of students who have been present at this school. Everything about the ghost girl is heard and talked about from voice to voice by everyone.
    This anecdote is known by the person in charge of the school, better known as "Don Luis", he was the one who had been presented with these paranormal events with the girl. One afternoon almost at night after the students had finished their classes, Don Luis began to clean all the classrooms by himself, Don Luis said that he had been so tired that he did not think he was a ghost but a sad child who needed to be heard.
    Don Luis had seen the girl in front of him with her face covered with her black hair by himself, he didn't want to stay a minute longer and ran out. Since then no one wants to stay alone in that school because they hear voices and footsteps in the classrooms. I was never scared by the ghost girl but I do respect such paranormal acts.

  45. I have told this story a few times to my family and close friends, this little supernatural experience has given me a little laugh but also made me reflect on the respect we should have for certain "deities" or "saints". My mother on a small marble table before reaching the stairs, has a statue of San Judas Tadeo, she usually prays to him and sometimes asks for healthy and peace to the family. As for me, I am not a believer in saints, much less pray to ceramic statues. One night after dinner, we were talking about believeness, and from there, I said to my mother: "You don't even talk about that, why do you pray to that piece of pottery" while pointing to the statue of St. Jude Thaddeus, my mother angrily told me: "have more respect, don't blaspheme, I never taught you to be rude". And I relaxed and sarcastic I said to mom: "HAHA that dosen´t exist let's see if it is true, let that statue move to see if very miraculous".
    Well, after discussion, my parents and my sister went to their rooms and I stayed in the living room sitting on the couch (just a few meters behind me was the statue) watching TV. And out of nowhere, I started to feel tired, with a very bad headache and the strangest thing, I felt warm on my back and I felt someone behind me. I immediately turned back and there was only the statue of St. Jude, and I mockingly continued watching television and I felt next to me a very dark shadow (like a hand) I turned back to the statue and I could hear very, very clearly, as something was running away, as if something was vanishing. It didn't scare me, however it made me feel quite insecure that something supernatural would do something to my family and the best thing I did was to turn off the TV and go to my room and pray before going to sleep, so I wouldn't go back to mocking or challenging things that are out of our world

    -Sergio Ibarra Rodríguez

  46. This mysterious fact has been going on for many years now, “Casa de los Tubos” was an abandoned construction that was located in Monterrey, Nuevo León I do not remember the exact date but it was in the seventies, a father and his only daughter had arrived in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, to build a life together. An important detail of this story is that the girl had no mobility in her legs. She was completely dependent on her wheelchair and the people to assist her. the father wanted his daughter to be able to walk around the house with complete freedom, the bricklayer came up with the idea that the entire structure had ramps so that the girl would not have problems going from one side to the other, it would have to be a tubular construction. It would be something like a house made up of buildings in the shape of tubes. Weeks passed and then months. Little by little the structure of a large house began to rise on a vacant lot as construction progressed, the tension between the masons increased. They felt more and more uncomfortable, an inexplicable terror was born within them. Suddenly, everything got worse. Tools disappeared and the workers blamed each other until, one day, the misfortunes began with only a few months to go before the house was finished. However, the coexistence between the workers was not good, therefore, they decided to have a meeting after work to overcome their differences. Almost all of them ended up with large amounts of alcohol in their blood except for one of them, a bricklayer named Alberto, the most serious and reserved worker. That is how the meeting remained until they saw each other again the next day, only three men arrived early for work, among them was Alberto. They agreed that he would work upstairs while the other two would be in charge of fine-tuning details on the first floor. the pair of bricklayers heard screams of true terror. The two remained paralyzed and with their hearts beating, they were pale when they saw that Alberto was dead on the floor, his death did not take much importance and the subject was not discussed until a short time for the tragedy to repeat itself. As they worked, another bricklayer inexplicably fell through one of the windows. Although he, before dying, he uttered a phrase that left those present cold: "he does not want us to be here." It was when all the masons resigned and did not want to go back to work in construction, they were traumatized by the deaths. The father was sad because he could not finish the perfect house for her daughter so they decided to go see her for the last time and say goodbye in order to show her daughter what would be her future home, he took her .

    In a way that logic could not explain, the girl reached the highest floor of the house. Minutes later, as her father desperately searched for her, she heard a noise as if a large bundle of metal and flesh had fallen. Her heart knew it but she didn't want to believe it until her eyes saw it: her little girl, the only reason for her existence, was dead. The father was devastated by the death of her daughter and for the same reason she was always in the house drinking alcohol in excess until she couldn't take it anymore and took her own life, since then the famous “casa de los tubos” was abandoned.

  47. The ghost bus

    There are people who say that for many years if you are waiting for the bus on the road that takes you from Ixtapan de la Sal to Toluca, it is very likely that you will end up getting on the ghost bus. Legend has it that bus 40 looks normal from the outside, but when you get on it you will notice that the people are very neat and quiet, they all look very strange. And before you reach your destination the driver will ask you to get off the bus and for no reason to look back until the truck has left, but if you do, then you will see the bus on fire and people dying. Also, you will die soon and tragically.

    The old road was very dangerous, it is said that bus 40 had a brake failure and fell off a cliff. All died. Some people say they found the remains of the bus and people, other people say that nothing was actually found.

    -Fanny Evelyn Guerra Castillo T66

  48. The Voynich Manuscript is a hand-written book by an anonymous author, what is special about this mystery is that this text is written in an unidentified language (but some words in Latin and High German have been found), studies have confirmed it dates from the years 1404 and 1438, considering the style of the writing and ink, its' probably from Italy during the renaissance period.

    For over one hundred years, this book has been a huge challenge for professional crypthographers, researchers, codebreakers and linguists, specially during the first and second world war, though the search of the meaning continues today, the reason of why is written like that is not clear, but it has been speculated it was to hide information.

    The pages contain painted illustrations of imaginary plants mostly, but other drawings of stars, castles, people, the sun and the moon are present, the exact purpose of this book has yet to be discovered, some pages are missing (out of the original 272 pages only 240 could be found) and most of its' early story is unknown, to this day this manuscript remains as a mystery and has made people believe it's just a hoax among other speculations.

  49. The mystery of “Los Rodríguez” Water Park.
    In the 90s there was a popular water park in San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León called “Los Rodríguez”. The park had many attractions including a wave pool and a slide, it seemed that business was going well and each summer thousands of people would visit the place for some fun. Unfortunately, at the end of the 90s, a great number of mortal accidents started to occur, most of them involving kids. But it was in 1999 when the deaths peaked, resulting in a total of 8 deaths. The following year there were 17 and the next one 19. This resulted in the closure of the park and the start of a myth. The myth says that ghosts of the drowning children can be seen at the mall that was built on the area were the park was. Founded in 2007, Citadel mall is the place were plenty of people have reported appearances of ghost children and even chills very late at night. Nevertheless, the case remains a mystery.

  50. Cripto animals
    Criptid animals are those creatures of unknown origin, whose existence has not been proven by the sciences of contemporary zoology. The field in charge of their study and defense is called Cryptozology and they are in charge of discovering "new animals". Most of these creatures have their origin in the mythical folklore of different societies and through their study seeks to verify their existence, an example of a crypt in Mexico is Chupacabras famous for its attacks on farm animals. The myth originated on the island of Puerto Rico but this myth spread throughout the American continent. Where this phenomenon and legend were most booming was in northern Mexico in the towns of El Alamo de Santiago, Cadereyta and Benito Juarez in the state of Nuevo Leon, where many animals were reported to have been killed by a Chupacabra; another famous case is also Moth Man, seen mainly in the United States. Its physical aspect attributed to this hypothetical creature is that of a humanoid more than 2 meters high, with large wings that fold, covered in dark gray hair, with large claws on the legs, headless and with two large red and luminous eyes to which hypnotic and paranormal faculties are attributed. Like these creatures there are many others like the Mounstro of Loch Ness or Yeti.
    Diana Sugey Valencia Nin 1988315 t66

  51. My grandmother used to avoid "La sauteña" a big building in downtown. She used to say that many phantoms lived there. the building have been abandoned since 1840 when the owner died in an earthquake caused by TNT. A tunnel was being built by him and his men. They were people from spain who want to cross the "Bravo" River with a Tunel to avoid the bandits and the natives "come carne". so one day my grand ma and his friends visited the place and when they were in the inderground she noticed that a voice were being calling from the walls and she couldn't understand crearly but she remember the voice of a man who said "help me, I can being with this men anylonger" and they were to scare. my mother said that my grand ma used to belong a group of people who started to visited the place every night and they saw how a piano was being played by itself and also how a horse died in the place .

    I don't believe in this story, but my grandma really things that it was truth.


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